Saturday, March 7, 2009

Scooting Along

Robert and I just celebrated our Merry Christmanniversary. We got some money for Christmas and used it to purchase our Anniversary presents--a little bit early. We bought foot-powered scooters, so we can go scooting with the kids. Thanks Grandpa Birdie and Doreene!

Today was BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS! And we took advantage of it. Hannah was less than thrilled. She's in a phase (I HOPE it's a phase) where she's scared of everything. She does NOT like to scooter. So Hannah and I rode to the park. Robert and Toph met us there. We tortured Hannah by making her scoot around the park. The REAL fun is behind the school. There's a fairly steep hill. It's FUN to go down. The photos are from the top of the hill. Hannah is there, but she walked UP and DOWN the hill.

**You'll note that there are no pictures of me. That's because I didn't like the ones that Robert took. I'll post pictures of me in a day or 2 when I have a picture I like. Sorry, as author of the blog, I get to decide! Just keep checking back in.

1 comment:

Jen said...

When you said motorized scooter I didn't quite get what you meant. But, seeing the pictures makes it clear. How fun to be able to scoot around with the kids! I am waiting for the pic of you!!