Wow, it's hard to believe I've been so negligent of the blog! Far away friends and family, please forgive me!
First of all, I forgot an important December event--Hannah lost her first tooth! She'd been waiting for a very long time for that to happen. Mom got the honor of pulling it. And, of course, the Tooth Fairy got to visit.

January was busy--when aren't we busy?! In addition to all of the "normal" things that suck up our time, I got to take the kids to the dentist (Toph got his first cavity), go for a physical (oh, joy!), take Toph for his first filling, go watch Toph do a choral reading, celebrate Hannah's birthday, and watch Toph's class sing at Friday flag.
Topher's class singing at Friday FlagThe highlight of our month was Hannah's birthday though. Since this was a non-party year, Hannah got to choose where she wanted to have her special meal, and then we spent the day doing the things that she wanted to do.
Hannah chose to have breakfast at the Original Pancake House, so we all enjoyed that a LOT. As her special activity, Hannah decided that she wanted to go to Happy Nails and Spa for a manicure and pedicure--for both Mom and Hannah. I liked this plan! Hannah got the full treatment and chose to alternate red and blue polish for both hands and feet. She was really into patterns back then. Mom chose to only get a pedicure and chose a more "Mom" color. It was SO nice! At one point while we were in the chairs, Hannah exclaimed, "This is the BEST day of my life!"
Hannah on the pedicure throne
After we were beautified, Hannah and I went to Claire's to get Hannah's ears pierced. I thought that we'd wait until next year, but when I asked if she was interested in getting her ears pierced, Hannah said that she was--and I decided to strike while the iron was hot. She got to pick out her studs--multi-colored flowers, and we elected to have both ears done at the same time. (I highly recommend that course of action.) Hannah was VERY brave. She didn't cry, but rather got a bit teary for a moment. Then she was all about telling everyone we met that she just got her ears pierced and showing them. Kind of reminded me of when Hannah was just potty trained and had to tell everyone about that (see the "Two Years Ago" post on 6/10/08 for details).
Kind of nervous BEFORE her ears were pierced

Looking beautiful AFTER her ears were pierced
Hannah felt very glamorous and was in Princess Paradise. We had such a great day of mother/daughter bonding. Then we came home and opened presents and ate cake. Hannah got a lot of earrings and a pretty purple jewelry box that she can decorate, among other things.

I *think* we had our first slumber party that weekend too. We'd promised Toph and Hannah that they could have a friend to spend the night for their birthdays, and Toph's friend was out of town (because of Christmas break)--so we decided to do it all at the same time. We had their friends come over after dinner on Sunday, the kids watched a movie and decorated cupcakes, and then played and didn't fall asleep. Well, the BOYS fell asleep, but the GIRLS laughed and giggled and chatted until well after midnight. I was thinking that they were never going to go to sleep! We had a special breakfast in the morning and the kids played some more until their parents came to collect them. It was more kids to do it this way, but having both kids have their slumber parties at the same time kept them out of each others' hair. I was again thankful for Martin Luther King and "dream day."
January was a whirlwind of activity, and we had a very enjoyable month.