Sometimes I feel like I'm on a runaway train. Time goes so quickly and there's so much going on. That's what this week has been like.
Toph had a performance Monday night with his class. Monday I spent the day working on a banner for Teacher Appreciation week (hopefully I'll have the photo to share soon). By the time we got home at 8, sent the kids to bed, and Robert and I finally had dinner, I was DONE! And let's not even go into the fact that I'd had 2 1/2 hours of sleep (maybe).
Tuesday I devoted to finishing my cards for card swap. In the past we've met on Thursday, so I thought I was doing good on time. Not so much since we were meeting on Tuesday. I finished with 30 minutes to spare, and I had a good time swapping cards. Although I had fun, my asthma started to trigger at card swap. I thought it was because the host has pets that I might be allergic to, but after getting home and a rocky night, I decided it might be more.
Wednesday I started running a fever--GREAT! Because I don't have enough going on. Our van had brakes that REALLY needed servicing, so I spent a great deal of time in the car. Robert and I took it in to the shop, I dropped Robert off at work, the kids and I went to the shop to pay the bill and get the key, and then we picked Robert up at work and collected the van. WHEW! I skipped cub scouts, and I'm glad I did. As the day wore on, I kept feeling worse and worse. As long as I was doing NOTHING, life was manageable. But I was short of breath if I was exerting any energy. NOT good! With piggy flu going around, and with this asthma episode accompanied with a fever, I decided that seeing the doctor might be a good idea. The good news: last night I actually SLEPT! Didn't have consecutive hours, but I slept for about 7!!!
Today I called the doctor early, and got probably the last available appointment, "could you be here in 15 minutes?" Luckily, Robert was still home. I left him to pack the kids up for school and prayed for green lights. The doctor I saw wasn't concerned about piggy flu, and diagnosed a simple upper respiratory infection with asthma. I learned that I'd lost 8 lbs! And then he prescribed Prednisone. Oh well, you can't have it all! I'm disappointed because I HATE Prednisone, but breathing IS important. I don't know what set me off, but this round of asthma feels "different" than before, and that got me to the doctor's office faster than I might have gone otherwise. I've also got an antibiotic, so I should be feeling better very soon.
Tomorrow is a BUSY day! It's teacher appreciation week this week, and my contribution to Toph's class is to bring in lunch to the teacher. I previously purchased my tableware and decorations, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fulfill my promise, but I will! I'm excited to be doing that. I also get to attend the Q and U Wedding in Kindergarten. It's for Mother's day. The girls are the Q's and the boys are the U's and the program is super secret, but supposed to be just adorable. I can't wait!
Then we'll be very ready for the weekend and a little down time. Hopefully my honey and I will go on a DATE on Saturday, to celebrate Mother's Day.
But really, the runaway train needs to SLOW DOWN!!!