Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feedom Isn't FREE

I got an unexpected email from our former landlord yesterday and the subject just read, "B... is okay." I hadn't seen the news, so I had no idea that there had been a crash involving his squadron.

For more details, you can read the news story about this sad event.

It just reinforces a couple of things to me: first of all, freedom isn't FREE. We owe our freedom to the many men and women who make it their life's work to ensure our freedom and safety. There are 5 families now who are grieving for their lost loved one, and as a nation, we should grieve with them--those people worked for us too. We owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never repay. Second, we never know when we walk out the door if we'll get to return again. It makes me want to make sure to hug and kiss my family members good-bye and cherish the time I have with them a little bit more. Because life is uncertain. We need to make the most of the time we DO have, so that we have no regrets.

Besides, what are we waiting for? Let's live life to the fullest every day!


diane said...

This post reminds me of the song, Live Like You are Dying. Too true.

3WimmerBoys said...

Awesome post Maree, things that we need to remember.

Unknown said...


I haven't read your blog in a while, but saw the link on FB and clicked away. I just saw this, and want to say thanks. As hard as it is to have Brent leave for 6 months, lately I have spent a great deal of reflection on the fact that there are 5 families out there who would give ANYTHING to have sent their loved ones on this deployment.

Thank you again.
