Friday, July 10, 2009

Watch it! He IS listening!

So, I know I promised a post with photos, but this isn't it. Sorry. Still coming. I promise. It's just that this was on my mind tonight, and I wanted to get it out of my mind.....

So, Heavenly Father IS listening to what we think and say--I have proof. The following examples are things I have either thought or said:

Me: Yeah, having asthma IS a bummer, but at least I don't have diabetes. I may not be able to breathe, but I can eat all the chocolate I want.
His answer: gestational diabetes SO bad that I got to take insulin.

Me: "I don't care if we have a baby on Christmas day! I can't take this (infertility treatment) much longer."
His answer: that's the month I got pregnant and I was due on Christmas day! If I'd know it would be THAT easy, I'd have said it LOTS earlier and inserted a different due date. :-)

Me: ADD is the diagnosis parents get when they have a really obnoxious child and there's no medical reason--Hello, try discipline! OR, ADD kids wear me out! Just dealing with (ADD kid) for 50 minutes in class is enough to make me want to slit my wrist (ok, not really!). I couldn't live with one.
His answer: Toph has ADD. He's not the hyper kind, but he can't focus long enough to get dressed without help. Or brush his teeth. Or wear shoes. Or do homework. Or....... BUT he CAN focus for hours at a time on video games or Legos or K'nex (I didn't know that ADD kids could focus on anything). This summer we're learning how to parent an ADD kid and help him feel like he's not weird.

Me: Fibromyalgia is the diagnosis women are given when the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with you. Then they pump you full of anti-depressants and sleeping pills and maybe pain pills--whatever it takes to get you to leave them alone.
His answer: It's a real disease. It sucks. Anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and pain pills don't really fix it. I have thought about speed though--anything to provide energy when I'm completely drained....JUST thought about it. Not going to do it.

This proof just goes to show you that He IS listening. Watch what you think and say! Those thoughts and words might just come back to bite you in the butt!

Do YOU have any proof? I'd love to hear your stories! Leave me a comment!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Me: My biggest fear is being in a car accident and instead of being lucky enough to die, I will live and be paralyzed.
HF: "Blessed" me with a nearly fatal car accident when I was 17. I should have died. Instead, I lived but couldn't walk (or even sit up in bed) for months. I was in a wheel chair for a year.
Me: I can't handle having a chronicly ill child. I'm just not strong enough to have a child with birth defects.
HF: "Blessed" me with a son who was born with a Congenital Heart Defect and needed a heart transplant before he was a month old.

Me: I want to be an Organ Donor! If I don't die in the process of saving someone's life, then I want to save someone's life because I died. (I said this since I was maybe... 8 years old.)
HF: Inspired someone to make the decision to be donate their childs organs so Noah could get a new heart before it was too late.

You are right, Maree. Heavenly Father does listen. He listens very well.

