Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Precocious Ponderings......

Toph has a new favorite activity. It's called "pull an obscure question from out of the air and see if Mom knows the answer." It's MUCH more difficult than "where does the rain come from." Because I know THAT answer!

Yeah, so totally NOT a recent photo!

Not my boy, no way! He's a thinker. He likes to ask questions like:
  • How do we hear?
  • What happens when we die?
  • What's the history of Halloween?
  • How does gas make a car go?
He really likes to be totally random and come up with these quizzes at odd times--like when we're going places in the car. And, lucky for me, he's satisfied with answers like:
  • I don't know, but (insert name here) knows. Let's ask him/her.
  • I don't know, but we can look it up on the internet on Wickipedia.
  • I don't know but we can ask Dad. He knows EVERYTHING (ha!)
And Toph REALLY likes to look things up on "Wick-Low-Pedia."

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