Saturday, March 15, 2008

Enter the Twilight Zone

Saturday afternoon the cell rings--not a number I recognize.

Stranger: Hi, it's Dawn. I'm in town. (I didn't hear the name, and she sounded like my Mother-in-Law).
Me: Who is this?
Stranger: It's Dawn. You just gave me your new number, Marianne.
Me: Oh, that's weird. You sound like my Mother-in-Law and my name is Maree. You dialed correctly but your friend gave you the wrong number.
Stranger: Well, we're supposed to meet Marianne for dinner--we're here in San Diego. Have your mother call me.
Me: Huh? Why do I want to have my Mom call you?
Stranger: Because we're supposed to meet them for dinner while we're in town.
Me: But my Mom doesn't know you. I don't know you. I'm not Marianne or related to her--she gave you the WRONG NUMBER.

The light bulb goes on.........

I laughed so hard I almost needed a depends! :-)

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