Monday, March 10, 2008

A New Blogger Born Today

I guess I've entered the new century--now I'm a baby blogger. Be patient, my skills will grow with practice. I've had so much fun reading friends' blogs, that I just HAD to try this myself. Once Hannah starts school next year, I'll be able to devote more time to this new hobby. It seems a good way to keep in touch with everyone and share photos of the family.

Last week was.......interesting. Hannah cut her hair (again), so we've banished scissors from the house once more. Hannah also had her tonsils out. Enjoy the pictures........

This is Hannah AFTER she cut her hair--and right BEFORE Mom's stoke.
Where did all of that beautiful hair go?

This is Hannah AFTER getting the hair "fixed." It grows back, and she DOES look pretty spunky with her "new" hair.

I'm happy to have blogged for the first time. Way to go, Maree!


lisa said...

yay!! a new blogger is born!! i'm totally adding your blog to my page for easy access in blog spying!!

Jen said...

Yay!! We can comment now. I am so glad you are blogging :D

US... said...

hehe hannah has a mullet. So cute.

jennifer said...

Aimee showed us pictures of Hannah's hair that you'd texted to her phone. The "before" shots are classic - she'll love those when she's older. As for the "after" haircut... I think it's pretty cute and not so bad considering what the hairdresser had to work with. The style looks good on her!