Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kissing and marriage....

Yes, the kids have been funny again, amusing us with what we loving refer to as "kidisms."

Last night on our way home from dinner, Hannah was again telling us that she was going to marry Toph when she got older. So we had to review the "rules" of getting married:
  • You cannot marry a relative. A relative is a brother/sister, mom/dad, aunt/uncle, or cousin.
  • You cannot marry someone who is already married.
  • Boys don't marry boys and girls don't marry girls.
Toph told Hannah that this meant that he could marry Lennie (girlfriend from school) or Taylor (first love). I told him absolutely, but that he couldn't marry Lennie in the Temple, because she doesn't go to our Church. He COULD marry Taylor in the Temple, and we LOVE her family already. Go Taylor! He'd have some great in-laws! No, you can never think about these things too early.

This is serious stuff when you're only 5. THEN Hannah wanted to know if you had to KISS the person you married (like that's a bad thing!). Robert told her that she didn't HAVE to, but that she would WANT to. Fun times!

Reminds me of a very serious discussion I had with Toph when he was about 3 1/2. He told me that he was going to marry me when he got older. I was flattered, but told him that I was already married, so that wouldn't work. He said that he'd marry me anyway--Daddy would let him. So then I explained that you can't marry someone you're related to--you can't marry your Mom. He was very upset, because "I LOVE you Mommy!" I told him that I loved him too, but that he'd find someone he loved even more to marry. He REALLY didn't know what to do with that! He was crying and very upset, because "I'll always love you, Mommy." It's so good to be loved....... I think he still thought he was going to marry me until last year. One of his cousins set him straight with the "rules." And since it didn't come from ME, he believed her........

Funny kids! They keep us busy and entertained. I love those kiddos!

These are pictures of one of the times Toph and Hannah married

Notice that Hannah is dressed in her finest princess dress.
Notice the hand kiss. He's a keeper!
How can you resist?!


US... said...

haha they are so funny. I cant wait till I have talks like that with my kids. Then also your kids can help set them strait too. :)

lisa said...

that absolutely melted my heart! good one toph :)