Diane tagged me. I'm not adding all of the photos I could right now, because that would take too long--look at the time! Here goes:
1. Nuclear Family--I couldn't live without my Rockin' Husband. Toph is the calming force and snuggle bunny. Hannah provides us with unlimited entertainment and lots of laughs.

2. Extended Family--they are my roots and heritage. They are support and people who love you--warts and all. It helps that we like each other too....

(And that's just PART of MY family!)
3. Church Family and Friends--Now that I don't live where my family does, I NEED the Church family and friends. I know that there are people I can call when I need a shoulder or a helping hand. They help me endure, support me, and challenge me. They provide entertainment (as in doing stuff together, not laughing at them) and pick up the pieces when I am lost.

(Sadly, no pictures of the actual people!)
4. Car--I'm no pioneer woman! Walking and walking and walking everywhere would mean NOT going lots of places! Besides, how would I get back to see my extended family?

5. Computer--my link to lots of people in the world and all kinds of information. Babysitter and teacher to my kids, when I need it! Extra DVD player too. Thanks Honey! That was a GREAT Christmas surprise--still LOVE it!

6. Grocery Stores--again, pioneer woman, I am NOT! I like being able to walk into Vons (they have a Jamba Juice conveniently located inside!) and pick up a package of flash frozen chicken breasts. No chasing down the chicken, killing it, and then having to pluck and clean it for me! And I can have corn on the cob without having to plant all of my TINY available land with corn (although fresh from the garden DOES taste better). LOVE the convenience!

7. Books--I know, some would be surprised that books are THIS far down on the list. If you've been to the house and seen the 4 bookcases that are 6-feet tall and packed, know that they don't even contain HALF of our book collection! The very SMELL of books makes me happy. I am always reading at least 1.

8. Doctors and Drugs--no, not the illegal kind! Good doctors and drugs have kept me alive this long, so I'd better love them! They keep the asthma and migraines and other aches and pains under control--so they're a necessary evil.

9. Testimony--also down on the list from where it probably belongs. Without my testimony, I couldn't endure the hard times. Knowing that there's a plan and that there's a Heavenly Father who KNOWS and LOVES me and wants to bless me makes the hard things easier--and makes the good things sweeter.

10. Chocolate--like I told Hannah last weekend, "If there's not chocolate in Heaven, I'm NOT going!" As a side note, and to show some of her entertainment value, Hannah was all worked into a frenzy (complete with tears) about how she didn't want to go to Heaven because there wasn't food there. Where did that come from? She felt better when I made the chocolate comment.

(My ABSOLUTE fave: See's Butterchews--dark chocolate-covered caremel--YUM!)
There are other things that enrich my life too, and would be on the list if there was more room: music, sunsets (not so much the sunrises--because I'd rather be asleep), flowers (home grown rose gardens and carnations), kid belly laughs, kid hugs and kisses, pictures, scrapbooking toys and times, Chevy's salsa (or Mexican food in general), indoor plumbing, and the list could go on and on and on......
Oh yeah, I tag: anyone who wants to. Leave me a comment so I can come look.