Saturday, October 11, 2008


So tonight, at 10 pm, I had to return a couple of movies and I needed cheese for tomorrow's dinner. Off to Vons I went.....

2 Kids walked in a few seconds before me. They were teens, one had red hair and the other was an Asian kid (with black hair--didn't need to say that, did I?). Well, I know teens here who have red hair and who are Asian, so I wanted to see if they were kids I knew--NOT. AND, not only were they strangers, but they were acting strange. They had a rotisserie chicken and looked like they were going to try to take off. When I came in the door, they stopped and acted like they were looking at the soup--only at 10 pm, the soup is EMPTY! Hmmmm..... a bit suspicious?

I couldn't decide if I wanted to make a scene and try to confront these punk kids myself or take the safer route and tell a store employee. I made a beeline for the employee and the kids got away.

It just makes me mad that there are kids out there who don't think that this is wrong. Or who know it's wrong and don't care. WHAT THE HECK? It also makes me mad that it didn't turn out different. I wonder what would have happened if I had loudly asked the kids what they were doing?

Oh, and by the way, the kids I know with red hair and that are Asian--they wouldn't have been pulling such a stunt. They'd probably have been headed for ice cream (or hot chocolate tonight) and they would have paid for it--they're good kids.


diane said...

I'm glad you didn't confront them. It could have been dangerous for you.


Maree said...

That's exactly why I didn't confront them--on the off chance they had some kind of weapon. Punks!

Jen said...

Seriously!! It scares me for the future peer pressure my kids might receive. I am glad you didn't confront them. Much safer to let an employee handle it.