Well, in November Toph will join the ranks of the cub scouts. So he will attend his first cub scout day camp in July! Because of this, he got invited to sell popcorn to earn money for camp. Last night Toph called his Grandma D and Papa Bob to sell popcorn. We talked about what to say and I typed up a "script" so that he'd say the important stuff. Thank goodness for Grandparents! They both purchased some, sight unseen! He wanted to call all kinds of other folks, but it was bedtime. (If you have a burning desire to buy some popcorn, leave me a comment, and I'll have Toph call you.)
Now Daddy and Grandma D will be taking the peddling to their workplaces. We've made a poster with Toph's picture and his "speech." So cute! It kills me!
I got the "sales" kit yesterday. And, I've already let my work pals know I'll be the one selling now!
This is funny because we put together a scipt too & Carson happily made phone call after phone call. Instead of shipping popcorn (too expensive) we focused on the $25 donation for popcorn for our troops. The $25 checks from California have been flooding in! In our thank you note, we include a picture of Carson doing archery and fishing at Cub Scout Camp this past July so they can see the fun their contribution is funding. GOOD LUCK!!!!
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