Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Two Years Ago

Two years ago, we went on a family vacation to Salt Lake City, Utah. It was a first for the kids, and a second for Robert. We enjoyed the "This is the Place" park with period-dressed helpers and things to do. Hannah and Toph enjoyed the wagon ride and petting this baby goat. We visited SO many other fun places too. Utah is a great place to find family-oriented activities! We visited a children's museum, a dinosaur museum, a farm museum, and many Church history sites. The kids got to dig for dinosaur bones, ride ponies, and play in trucks and an airplane. We got to tour the buildings on Temple Square and the Conference Center. We got to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing in person. It was SO much fun!

Two years ago we LOVED taking photos of the family on the Temple grounds, with all of the beautiful flowers. It always looks beautiful there, but it seemed especially LOVELY this time of year. I loved the pictures of the kids with Robert. You can see that we were adjusting to Hannah's FIRST self-hair cut. She cut it the day before we left on vacation--clearly the day BEFORE something is not a good time for her to be around scissors!

Two years ago, our kids got to see the Salt Lake Temple for the first time. It's really awe-inspiring. They'd never seen a large temple before. We loved looking out of our living room at night and getting to see the Temple. The kids also loved to look out the window each evening and YELL at the sister missionaries who were walking home--they'd yell nice things, of course! We always counted how many would hear us and wave back.

Hannah was just potty trained, and everywhere we went, she liked to tell people that she wore big girl panties now and she'd tell them all about how she could sit on the big potty chair without falling in. Yes, she told EVERYONE we saw--didn't matter if they were perfect strangers. We had many entertaining elevator rides, "Hi, my name is Hannah. I wear big girl panties now. I go potty in the big potty chair and I don't fall in because I spread my legs big, but then my panties fall off. But I put them back on." She was PROUD! Lots of sister missionaries had fun stories about Hannah to share with their families that week.
Two years ago, my kids were SO little! It's amazing to see how much they've grown in just TWO years! They've gotten so big and sophisticated. Life is easier in some ways, but I miss my LITTLE guys! It's going to seem like just two more years, and they'll be graduating from high school and getting married. Time passes so fast!

Two years ago, I finally agreed that Robert could look for another job, outside of Fresno--but that's another story to share some other day! A lot can change in just two years!

1 comment:

diane said...

In two years my son will be home from his mission...but these will be long years I've learned from experience.
Your little kids are so cute!