Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Toph Memories...........Naked Tool Man

Toph had a REALLY cute habit as a young kid. Once we'd strip him down for the bath, he'd run throughout the house REALLY FAST! We'd call this the "naked boy run," and we enjoyed it as much as he did--you'll have to imagine 2-year-old running and GIGGLING. SO CUTE!

Then, as we entered the Bob the Builder phase, Toph's naked boy turned into "Naked Tool Man" and he'd run all over the house, usually with a drill, trying to fix something. SO CUTE! Of course we got pictures!


US... said...

haha these are great pictures to have when he starts dating those girls. :) Torture. He is so cute though.

Heidi said...

I remember Tophs 'bob the builder' days. And those movie with the trains and trucks, I guess thats what I have to look forward to.

Laura Keith said...

your boy is going to kill you some day. this is total child blackmail! I love the naked pics!

Maree said...

Nah--Nothing IMPORTANT and PERSONAL is showing; we'll be fine.

award said...

I LOVE IT! I have a tool man, too. He just seems to keep his clothes on!