Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Would you make Dad's oatmeal for dinner, please?

Robert LOVE LOVE LOVES oatmeal--I don't. He makes steel cut oatmeal, and I thought I was going to gag some down, to be supportive. It was delicious. Topher, world's pickiest eater loved it--requests it! I was supposed to make some last night, so he'd have it this morning, and I dropped the ball. So Toph requested Daddy's Oatmeal for dinner tonight. Okay.

Here's the recipe:

Daddy's Oatmeal

2 c. steel cut oats
2 Tbsp. butter
6 c. water
2 c. milk
2 tsp. salt

If you have an electric kettle, great. Put the water on to boil. If you don't, put the water into a pot and bring it to a boil while you're getting the oats ready. Melt the butter in a big saucepan that has a tight-fitting lid. Add oats and stir to toast them. This will take a few minutes--you know you're done when they smell nutty. Pour on the water and give a stir. When it reaches a boil, cover and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes. Then, USING THE HANDLE OF A WOODEN SPOON, break up the cooked oatmeal (it will be really chunky). Stir in the milk (handle of the spoon!) until it's creamy. When milk is incorporated into oatmeal, add salt and stir again. Serve with brown sugar or dried fruit. Yummy, even for dinner. This is a double recipe. It re-heats well. Don't cook more than a double recipe at once--we haven't had success with that.

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