Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Abducted by ALIENS

Dear Aliens,

The child you left to replace Hannah LOOKS like her and even SOUNDS like her, but you gave her an extra dose of DRAMA that we really didn't need to begin with. Could you PLEASE come back and switch us?! Pretty please? If you can't switch her back, would you please come get ME? I can't take much more of this!


Sunshine said...

You are so funny!

diane said...

So sorry! Did you like Daphne's?

Alicia said...

Haha. Poor Maree. Good luck with the Alien Hannah!

Jen said...

I swear the girl hormones REALLY kick in to gear at 5. Hang in there. Maybe the aliens will feel sorry for you and bring her back, but I hear that they usually keep them until there like 30.