Friday, September 5, 2008

Boyfriends and Girlfriends

When Toph started Kindergarten he came home and talked about the GIRLS in his class. So and so is so pretty. So and so has such pretty hair. So and so has cute shoes. I never knew that a 5-year-old BOY noticed such things. He usually went for the girls with long, blond hair.

Fast forward to last year. Soon after school started, Toph announced that he had a girlfriend. I asked what that meant, and he told me that you talk to each other. Sometimes they talked on the phone. It was cute, and he chose a smart girl from his class. There aren't many girls at his school with long, blond hair though, so he chose a very nice Asian girl. The first time she called us was to do homework over the phone. She won my heart with that one.

Last week, Hannah announced that she had a boyfriend. His name is "N." (I'm not allowed to say, for privacy reasons.) Topher then chimed in that he had a girlfriend--FINALLY! (The "FINALLY" kind of worries me!) Her name is "Y." I've become a BIT wiser, and I asked Hannah if "N" KNOWS that he's her boyfriend.....NO, it's a secret! Then I asked Toph if "Y" knew that she was his girlfriend......NO. Hmmmm........ Did last year's girlfriend know that she was a girlfriend? She kind of guessed by the end of the year! Oh yeah, he's faithful, that boy of mine.

Hannah has more than one object of her affection. She has several boys that she has "a love attack" on. She's ONLY 5! I'm in trouble! At least at this age it only means that you talk to one another...... I'm starting to dread the teen years even more. And Hannah is going to need careful watching. Although she won't come out and TELL the boy she loves him, her actions speak louder than a shout sometimes. It's frightening!


Anonymous said...

I'm kinda glad that Cameron's still at the stage where the only difference between "friends" and not friends, are that he hasn't met the non-friends yet. Although there is a female 3rd-grader that likes to come over from time to time and play on the Wii (sports and skiing). I'm not sure about Maurelle (since she's just about 3), I hope I don't have to buy the shotgun early. Although talking with Kimiko here, she mentioned that the object of M's affection is Diego (of the Nickelodeon variety).

Maree said...

Buy the shotgun NOW! M is too cute!

diane said...

When my boys were little I told them they could have friends that happen to be girls but no girlfriends. It all starts too soon.

Jen said...

I found out just a few weeks ago that last year in kindergarten Kelsie was kissed on the lips by a boy who liked her in her class. Luckily, he is not in her class this year. But, believe me I am keeping an eye on her from now on. I am just seriously scared for the years ahead

Laura Keith said...

hilarious! i still don't have that problem with my boys, thank goodness!